Your Donations Help Make our Town
More Welcoming to All
Donations help PROPEL Pequannock in our mission to create a more welcoming environment for all those who are marginalized, and to teach our children to value truth, equity, diversity, and inclusion.
About PROPEL: PROPEL Pequannock (Pequannock Residents of Pride, Equity, and Leadership) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation (EIN 86-1218729). All donations are tax deductible.
Our events and programs are all run by volunteers who receive no compensation.
Your Gift Helps PROPEL's Work in the Community
Pride Fest
Annual Pequannock PrideFest - an outdoor celebration of kindness. Each PrideFest features more than 60 vendors, 7 food trucks, free entertainment for kids and music all day long, with hundreds of neighbors gathered together.
QR Code to Mental Health
Help us mail to every resident QR code magnets, so that upon scanning they can access more than 80 mental health providers, in 18 categories of need, on a dedicated webpage.
PTHS Scholarship
Help us continue to provide our $500 Kindness Scholarship, awarded for the most compelling essay written by a PHS student.
Support our Pequannock Public Library Group Member
Help us continue to support our new library director as she moves forward the 2023-2025 Strategic Plan with a goal that includes “Identify inclusive programs that engage all members of the community.”
"Did You Know?"
promoting good news from around the Township from local organizations and businesses.
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Raising Awareness of Pequannock's History
We're working to encourage the Pequannock Township School District to include in formal curriculum, the truth about the enslaved people who lived and died in 18th Century Pequannock Township…and how their bodies were disinterred in the 1930’s from what is now PV Park…and are now reinterred in the First Reformed Church cemetery.